Category: 喝茶品茶联系方式

  • 李老师广州SPA体验













  • 广州针灸正骨推拿培训






    1. 师资力量雄厚:广州针灸正骨推拿培训拥有一支由知名中医专家、教授组成的师资队伍,他们具有丰富的临床经验和教学经验,能够为学生提供高质量的教学服务。

    2. 课程设置合理:培训课程根据市场需求和学员需求,科学合理地设置课程体系,确保学员在短时间内掌握中医养生技能。

    3. 实操性强:广州针灸正骨推拿培训注重实操,通过实际操作练习,使学员熟练掌握各种中医养生技术。

    4. 就业前景广阔:随着中医养生行业的快速发展,针灸、正骨、推拿人才需求旺盛。广州针灸正骨推拿培训学员毕业后,可在各级医院、康复中心、养生馆、养老院等机构从事相关工作。

    5. 持续跟踪服务:广州针灸正骨推拿培训为学员提供终身免费复训服务,帮助学员在职业生涯中不断成长。


    1. 中医基础理论:包括中医基础理论、中医诊断学、中药学等。

    2. 针灸技术:包括针灸基本手法、穴位定位、针灸治疗原则等。

    3. 正骨手法:包括正骨基本手法、骨折复位技术、关节脱位复位等。

    4. 推拿技巧:包括推拿基本手法、推拿治疗原则、推拿临床应用等。

    5. 中医养生:包括中医养生理论、常见疾病中医养生调理等。



    1. 各级医院、康复中心、社区卫生服务中心等医疗机构。

    2. 养生馆、美容院、保健中心等养生机构。

    3. 老年公寓、养老院等养老服务场所。

    4. 自主创业,开设中医养生馆、推拿店等。


  • 广州儿童按摩收费标准





    1. 按摩师资质:按摩师的资质是影响收费标准的重要因素。一般来说,资深按摩师的收费标准较高,而初级按摩师的收费标准相对较低。

    2. 按摩时间:儿童按摩的时间通常在30分钟至1小时不等。按摩时间越长,收费标准越高。

    3. 按摩项目:广州儿童按摩的项目丰富多样,包括全身按摩、头部按摩、足部按摩等。不同项目的收费标准也有所差异。

    4. 按摩机构:不同机构的收费标准不同,主要受机构规模、地理位置、服务质量等因素影响。

    1. 按摩师资质收费





    2. 按摩时间收费





    3. 按摩项目收费




    4. 按摩机构收费





    1. 资质认证:选择具有正规资质的按摩机构,确保按摩师具备相关资质。

    2. 服务评价:了解机构的口碑和服务评价,选择口碑较好的机构。

    3. 价格对比:对比不同机构的收费标准,选择性价比高的机构。

    4. 便捷性:考虑机构的地理位置,选择离家近或交通便利的机构。


  • 广州南宁夜间生活社区首页





    1. 热门活动:展示近期广州和南宁的夜间热门活动,包括演唱会、派对、展览等,方便用户及时了解最新动态。

    2. 美食推荐:介绍广州和南宁的夜间美食,包括特色小吃、网红餐厅等,满足用户在夜间的味蕾需求。

    3. 娱乐场所:推荐广州和南宁的夜店、酒吧、KTV等娱乐场所,满足用户夜生活的娱乐需求。

    4. 交通出行:提供广州和南宁的夜间公共交通信息,方便用户出行。

    5. 社区论坛:用户可以在此板块发表自己对夜间生活的看法和心得,与其他用户互动交流。



    1. 花城广场:位于广州市中心,每晚都有精彩的灯光秀和音乐喷泉表演,是广州夜景的象征。

    2. 白云山:位于广州市北部,是广州市民夜间登高望远的好去处,山上的夜景美不胜收。

    3. 上下九步行街:广州最繁华的商业街之一,夜晚的上下九步行街灯火辉煌,各种美食和小吃琳琅满目。

    4. 珠江夜游:乘坐游船在珠江上欣赏两岸的夜景,感受广州这座城市的魅力。


    1. 青秀山:位于南宁市中心,是南宁市著名的风景区,夜晚的青秀山宁静优美,是市民休闲娱乐的好去处。

    2. 南宁民族风情园:汇集了广西各民族的文化特色,夜晚的园区灯火辉煌,游客可以在此感受浓厚的民族风情。

    3. 明秀路美食街:南宁最有名的美食街之一,夜晚的明秀路美食街热闹非凡,各种特色小吃让人流连忘返。

    4. 民族大道:南宁的夜生活主要集中在民族大道,这里有众多的酒吧、夜店、KTV等娱乐场所,是年轻人夜生活的聚集地。



  • 广州水电医院儿科推拿






    1. 专业团队:广州水电医院儿科推拿拥有一支经验丰富、技术精湛的专家团队,为宝宝提供个性化、专业化的推拿服务。

    2. 独特手法:医院儿科推拿在传统中医推拿的基础上,结合现代医学理论,形成了一套独特的手法,具有显著的疗效。

    3. 安全可靠:儿科推拿治疗过程中,手法轻柔、力度适中,避免对宝宝造成伤害。

    4. 无副作用:儿科推拿治疗过程中,无需使用药物,无副作用,安全性高。

    5. 适用范围广:儿科推拿适用于0-14岁儿童,尤其适用于感冒、咳嗽、发热、消化不良、腹泻、便秘、近视、斜颈等常见儿科疾病。


    1. 预防为主:儿科推拿强调预防为主,通过调整宝宝的气血运行,增强体质,提高免疫力,降低患病风险。

    2. 疗效显著:儿科推拿治疗疾病,具有见效快、疗效好的特点,深受家长和宝宝喜爱。

    3. 无需药物:儿科推拿治疗过程中,无需使用药物,避免了药物副作用对宝宝健康的影响。

    4. 舒缓舒适:推拿过程中,宝宝会感受到轻松、舒适,有利于提高治疗效果。


    1. 气血调理:通过按摩、揉捏等方法,促进宝宝气血运行,增强体质。

    2. 调理脾胃:针对宝宝消化不良、腹泻、便秘等问题,采用推拿手法调理脾胃。

    3. 改善睡眠:通过推拿手法,缓解宝宝睡眠障碍,提高睡眠质量。

    4. 提高免疫力:通过推拿手法,增强宝宝免疫力,降低患病风险。

    5. 矫正斜颈:针对宝宝斜颈问题,采用推拿手法进行矫正。


  • 广州医院专业推拿助眠服务




    1. 服务理念


    2. 服务项目




    3. 服务优势





    1. 诊断评估:患者首先接受中医师的诊断评估,了解其失眠原因和体质特点。

    2. 制定方案:根据诊断结果,中医师为患者制定个性化的推拿助眠方案。

    3. 推拿按摩:在专业人员的指导下,患者接受穴位按摩、推拿按摩等治疗。

    4. 中医调理:根据需要,患者接受中药、针灸等中医治疗方法。

    5. 跟踪回访:在治疗过程中,医护人员定期对患者进行跟踪回访,了解治疗效果,调整治疗方案。


    1. 保持手部清洁,力度要轻柔,以免造成不适。

    2. 如在按摩过程中感到剧痛或不适,应立即停止按摩并寻求专业医生的建议。

    3. 按摩可作为失眠的辅助疗法,但对于长期或严重失眠问题,还需就医接受规范诊疗。

    4. 除了按摩穴位,还要养成良好的生活习惯,保持规律作息,营造舒适的睡眠环境。


  • That’s the problem. If you don’t take care of it, it will be flooded, which will make you work hard all year round and starve all over the place. In that case, I will definitely not allow it to happen. "

    Su Yonglin said this and Wei Kexian suddenly raised his hand to signal that he would speak. Su Yonglin nodded to let him speak.
    "A Lang, did you call us here to talk about river management?"
    Su Yonglin’s face was unhappy. "Is it a trivial matter to govern the river? The two big countries are at a loss to manage the river, and they are almost helpless. Every time the Yellow River breaches, thousands and tens of thousands of civilians will be drowned. Is this a trivial matter? "
    "No, no, no, that’s not what I meant."
    Wei Kexian shook his head at once. "I mean, did A Lang talk about harnessing the river?"
    "Of course not"
    Su Yonglin said that many people are nervous again.
    But what Su Yonglin said is still not what they want to hear.
    "Harnessing the river needs a lot of manpower and material resources, and a competent department is needed to handle this matter. It will take three years to achieve initial results from mobilizing the army and millions of people. This is still my best estimate."
    Su Yonglin sighed, "Those ancestors in Zhao Gou couldn’t win the battle, and the Khitan people couldn’t take back Yanyun, so they could toss about their own three easy rivers and destroy Hebei in a big mess. When they left Du Chong in Tokyo in Jingkang, they fled and dug up the Yellow River dam to flood the Central Plains, which directly led to the diversion of the Yellow River and the capture of Huai into the sea today.
    They don’t care about anything with their hands scattered. They leave this rotten stall for the Central Plains people. Now they don’t want to come back to solve the problem. They want to leave Jiangnan for their birthday. The Central Plains people are nothing in their eyes … They don’t care about me. "
    Su Yonglin struck the table and said seriously, "If you want to govern the river, I said that you need a lot of manpower and material resources, the department of expenses, the guidance department and other departments to work together, and the local government needs to cooperate with it. It is not feasible for no one to make overall plans."
    I think that river regulation is a long-term thing, and it can’t be done in just a few months. When the time comes, a large group of people will be temporarily mobilized to take charge. It is better to set up a department responsible for river regulation now and set up the frame first.
    Therefore, I decided to establish a new department responsible for river management, and deploy effective personnel from various departments to enter the river management. People are still attached to the original department, but they will be handled in the new department until the river management is successful. "
    Everyone looked at me, and I thought you didn’t understand what Su Yonglin was doing, so he continued to listen.
    "This new position is different from the general office, and it is not a formal office, but it is almost the same. I am going to personally take charge of the naming revival meeting."
    "Renaissance will? A Lang is personally in charge? "
    At the end of the public comment in succession.
    "Well, the Renaissance Association"
    Su Yonglin nodded. "Since it’s not a formal official name listing, it’s just casual. The name of this revival meeting is, I think we can revive the prosperity of the Central Plains by harnessing the river.
    All of you, however, can come out to me and give it to the Renaissance Association for discussion. After that, I will also arrange for the photographers to set up the Renaissance Association, and then let’s choose the right talents for the whole recovery army to be included in the Renaissance Association.
    In any case, the revival meeting should take out the general plan of river management first, and then the specific work needs to coordinate various personnel to mobilize people’s manpower and material resources. This is what the guidance company is best at, and the revival meeting is mainly included in the guidance company personnel to enter. "
    Tian Jue leng a immediately thought of something.
    Xin Qiji also froze for a moment and seemed to notice something.
    However, most people don’t notice that Su Yonglin is a little anxious to watch Su Yonglin digress the topic further and further.
    They came to the meeting not for this revival meeting, but for him.
    Although it sounds quite unusual for this revival meeting, Su Yonglin is personally responsible for it, and a large number of guidance staff will be included.
    The guidance department is a special army, which is responsible for guiding soldiers’ cultural study and ideological study. It is the only way for recruits to become soldiers of the Guangfu Army.
    After the guidance and education of the guidance department, the soldiers not only made a breakthrough in culture, but also tended to Su Yonglin and the Guangfu Army to train Jin Ting Nai and Song Ting very seriously.
    But it’s not entirely true if we just say that they are soldiers and teachers in the army.
    They have a great influence in the army, and when they are not fighting, officers should follow them in class and study together.
    Outside the army, it is said that the place where the military families live is that the instructors of the guidance department are responsible for managing their villages, and the guidance department of the farmers’ association is under the jurisdiction of the instructors, and they enter the bridge between the vice president of Zhongdan Guangfu Army and the people.
    The grain department, an important institution responsible for collecting taxes and maintaining the recovery of the army, contacted the farmers’ association through the guidance department to handle tax collection matters.
    Military and civilian guidance departments and instructors have great influence and sense.
    It is said that there is nothing real, that is, there is no mastery of soldiers or politics or wealth, but it seems that they can be seen everywhere. Without them, it seems that nothing can be completed smoothly.
    It is only natural that a large number of instructors from the guidance department are needed to help manage the river.
    But Su Yonglin suddenly called everyone to talk about this matter?
    Yes, you said that you want to set up a new department to take charge of river management?
    It seems that Su Yonglin really said this thing, but he didn’t say that his thing was to tell everyone to pay attention to cooperating with the Fuxing Trade Union, so he planned to declare the meeting closed.
    So Su Yong, this Han Hanshi can’t stand it, just get up and cut to the chase.
    "A Lang that qidan people when the emperor thing you’d give a word!"
    Su Yonglin looked at Su Yong strangely. "What do you mean? What do you want me to say? "
    "This …"
    Su Yong opened his mouth and didn’t know what to say, and others at the scene didn’t know what to say. At that time, the whole scene was extremely embarrassing
    Su Yonglin was silent for a while and smiled.
    "Oh, I see you. I called you here to discuss the matter of claiming the emperor with you?"
    Chapter 357 Replace Confucius and Mencius disciples
    When this sentence came out, the scene was awkward and became extremely tense.
    A group of people stared at Su Yonglin with a uniform and nervous expression.
    They are all waiting for Su Yonglin to say that sentence.
    Then Su Yonglin spoke slowly.
    "Don’t take me with him if he wants to die."

  • Wang cong’s face is black and his heart is dark. MMP is always old, but there are few onions. You actually treat me as a pet who cleans up garbage and picks up treasures behind your ass? !

    Chapter 7 Ghouls
    Although Shaocong was very depressed, this team really opened his eyes.
    Zhang Xiaoqiang is the most violent exporter. One person can turn over a group of monsters.
    Zhao is the strongest shield that can withstand a group of monsters alone.
    Angelnan is a powerful adjuvant therapy.
    Her weapon and ring add 2 sacred attributes, and her innate skills are greatly increased. Combined with this, her healing ability can be restored to life once again.
    A wet nurse in Angelnan can be described as having enough milk to treat minor injuries. The cooling time is short enough to ensure the safety of people around her, which is faster and more convenient than taking medicine.
    Besides, Jiangnan people are not vegetarians.
    When a skeleton bypassed several people in front and attacked Angelnan.
    Angelnan directly raised his weapon and hammered the skull. Two hammers or so can solve a skull.
    The increase of hierophant’s sacred attributes can cause a lot of damage to darkness, demons and undead monsters.
    Yu Hangyu?
    He is not as violent as Xiaoqiang.
    He is not so resistant to exercise as Lao Zhao.
    But it’s an unfavorable sharp knife
    He is the absolute core of the whole team and has the strongest comprehensive strength.
    Wang cong had guessed that this team might be the strongest team in Goblin camp, but when he saw it with his own eyes, he still couldn’t believe that all of them were monsters!
    Not to mention Hang Yu, Zhao and Zhang Xiaoqiang.
    Even if the onion is less than Jiang Nan’s one-on-one hit, it can’t be beaten.
    Wang cong read this and never lost his temper again. can’t he do chores at his current level?
    Besides, the aura keeps pouring in, and the onion never thought of upgrading, but he watched his aura value climb little by little so quickly.
    It’s so cool!
    Ordinary monsters, despite their low reiki content
    There are a large number of monsters that can be buried in bones.
    Let the onion have at least a feeling of soaring in a rocket.
    It’s a suspense to upgrade at this speed. Maybe there will be a lot more aura. It’s worth the money!
    Four people with the king salted fish buried all the way forward.
    A total of nearly forty skeletons and twenty zombies were wiped out.
    Hang Yu, Angelnan, Zhao and Zhang Xiaoqiang all increased by 11 or 12 points, and Angelnan successfully rose to level 3.

  • "Ha ha" Liu Xiaofeng sneer at a didn’t answer the words.

    "You still have cards in your hand, don’t you?" Su Zhengdong asked
    "No" Liu Xiaofeng shook his head.
    "It’s hard to say whether something happened to Han Tongyan North." Su Zhengdong took a sip of red wine and said softly, "If he doesn’t have what he promised you, he can’t keep it."
    "Like what?" Lu Xiaofeng asked
    "For example, make sure you are safe." Su Zhengdong threatened the other party naked. "I told you that there are many people who suggest that you shut up forever."
    Liu Xiaofeng clenched his fist and smiled at him no longer answering.
    "If you have a card, you have to put on a face, otherwise I can’t protect you."
    "Well, I have a card" Liu Xiaofeng nodded.
    "What brand is clear" Su Zhengdong stepped in and asked.
    "I have evidence to prove that Lao Bi didn’t kill Gu Yan, and there is evidence to prove that I was bought by Han Tong and deliberately led Qin Yu and Gu Yan to appear in the hotel." Liu Xiaofeng narrowed his eyes and answered.
    "Ha ha!"
    Su Zhengdong smiled and pointed to Lu Xiaofeng and said, "You are really a smart person, don’t you?"
    "Just bring a knife and a gun with the hooligans, and get along with you with your brains." Liu Xiaofeng said with a pie mouth, "If I don’t think more, I’m sure you’ll be dead before I fucking get out of Yanbei."
    "Let’s make an exchange." Su Zhengdong leaned forward and said, "Give me what you have in your hand. I’ll stay here for three months and then I’ll let you go."
    "Do you think I look like a stupid B?" Lu Xiaofeng asked.
    "That you say a way I listen to" Su Zhengdong don’t hurry light rhetorical question.
    "You take me, I’ll let people take things, and we’ll give you something in exchange. I’m from the second district," said Liu Xiaofeng after a thought.
    "Where are the things?" Su Zhengdong asked
    "If you ask me that, I can’t say it now." Liu Xiaofeng answered with a smile.
    Zhang, an adjutant in the office building of a war zone in Yanbei, pushed the door of the second uncle’s office and went in to salute. He said, "There was a problem in Bashi, and it failed to catch Liu Xiaofeng. Qin Yu … They lost several people and were ready to return."
    Gu juwan nodded slightly when he heard this and said, "This kid is good. I asked him to go to the second district and he went, but you can’t just rely on people to do things. You have to show everyone your ability."
    Adjutant Zhang heard this and hesitated, but in the end he couldn’t help to say anything.
    Gu Yan and Qin Yu have no doubt, but individuals are far less important than results in a great event.
    Liu Xiaofeng didn’t come back, which means that Gu Yan’s case is difficult to clean up. If the party and government seize this small handle, they will increase their bargaining chips.
    This result must be that the military and political sides don’t want to see it, and Gu juwan asked Qin Yu to go to the second district. Apart from personal factors, he also wanted to enlighten him in the future.
    But it ended in failure …
    "If the baby case is not cleaned, it will affect the things behind." Gu Ershu also has some worries. "What should I do? !”
    A few hours later, Yan Tao, who is going to the intersection of Le ‘a Haigang Road, is about to tell a brother to take Liu Xiaofeng back and let her go.
    Qin Yu looked up and turned to the coastline not far away and said, "Do you have any cigarettes?"
    "In the car," Xiao Ge replied, reaching for the trunk, but at first sight it was a rhubarb coat. He took two cigarettes when he was on the plane.
    You may not feel too sad when your relatives and friends die.
    The real pain, nostalgia, and nostalgia will come from the little details that he and you once lived together, just a little bit of collapse and a little bit of memories …
    Brother Owl looked at the big yellow dress and instantly remembered all kinds of past events.
    Qin Yu before "what’s the matter? !”
    Owl elder brother looked at his eyes red and said "… what is the meaning? Did you lose your brother’s future? "
    Chapter 2 Port Appearance
    At two o’clock in the morning, Su Zhengdong was about to meet a prisoner who was crushed back from the island when a male assistant knocked on his door.
    "enter!" Su Zhengdong shouted a.
    The door was pushed, and the male assistant walked in lightly and came to Su Zhengdong and said, "There is movement over there at Le ‘a Harbor."

  • Guo Yi nodded with a shock in her heart. "Is that what she is?"

    After learning the correct answer, the snow is still frosty, but it is still said to himself, "Is it true that this person actually dares to touch Guo Gudi? Does she also want to participate in the layout this time?"
    Guo Yi became more and more curious when he heard his mother’s words. Obviously, that old woman is definitely a difficult person to provoke, otherwise his mother’s character would have been angry.
    "This is a taboo figure. Few people dare to talk about her. She hasn’t appeared in trillions of years. I didn’t expect her to come to the Seven Wastes, but she dared to take away my Guo Jiadi. I will definitely report this to the four bodhi old zu who will come forward. I’m afraid she won’t dare not return my granddaughter."
    Guo Yi is still frowning and determined to break through the emperor’s territory as soon as possible and go to the wild at once.
    Chapter 3 Saint’s Fourth Realm dzogchen
    This small world is located thousands of miles away from the Ascension Platform, very close apart, but it is extremely difficult to be noticed because it is hidden in the Sumeru world.
    Guo Yiniang went to hold Ji Youran’s hand again and poured out to her, as if she wouldn’t give up until she was dragged into Guo’s house.
    Sitting on a clear lake in a small world, staring at the eyes as flat as a mirror, the heart is unprecedentedly quiet, and the "Secret of the Emperor" is suspended above the head to understand the power of the five elements of heaven and earth.
    It takes a saint’s eyes to see Guanghua coming towards him and covering the world around him.
    He has reached the third realm of saints. dzogchen Golden Sage is the water sage, while Wood Sage has already understood the difference between fire sage and earth sage.
    Only by understanding the sacred principles of the five elements can we transcend the five elements and live forever, and Guo Yi is now in the stage of understanding the five elements.
    If you rely on the monk’s own strength, even if it takes millions of years, you may not be able to understand the five elements thoroughly, but you can do it in a very short time with the help of the holy medicine.
    Princess Fengchang was able to break through to the fourth realm of saints in a short time, and dzogchen was the reason for the multi-bead holy medicine.
    The mud scorpion in Shenyuan contains the holy medicine of earth, which is like a scorpion with a simple grain shell on its face, which is both highly toxic and natural. It is both a holy medicine and a living thing.
    Guo Yi carefully gave the Xuan Bing box a yellow light and rushed out to render half the sky through the light. Guo Yi vaguely saw a slap in the face and crawling inside the scorpion, although there was no flesh and blood breath, but it fluctuated with poor life.
    The sword light flashed, and the scorpion’s tail was chopped off. A mighty holy force spilled out and was caught by Guo Yi’s palm. It rushed through the skin towards the nerves and blood vessels.
    This holy power is stronger than Guo Yi’s absorption of holy medicine before, and it is endless, and this holy power is quite sharp, just like a virtual Gangfeng.
    Although it is a soil saint, it is stronger than a gold saint. The holy force is like a sword that penetrates Guo Yi’s body and finally condenses into a yellow holy source.
    This holy source is like a grain of rice that is dazzling and crystal clear. The holy power in the mud scorpion is getting stronger and stronger, and the holy source is slowly growing. The other three holy sources are suspended in the brain platform.
    At this time, Guo Yi was flooded with holy force all over his body, as if his eyes were closed in a huge yellow duck egg and he seemed to understand something.
    Xu Fengyumeng is far away from an ancient tree, quietly looking at Guo Yi’s heart, wondering why she would follow him repeatedly, but in the end she didn’t come up with anything.
    Sometimes no reason is the best reason.
    "Sister Lemon, are you really engaged to Guo Yi?" The wind Chang princess far line to low said
    Xu Fengyumeng stared at her. When Feng Changfei approached her for a hundred steps, she was covered with a layer of emperor lines to stop her. "What’s your problem?"
    It’s because of Guo Yi that Guo Yi Niang is allowed to walk into her ten steps, but it doesn’t mean that she also allows Princess Feng Chang to walk into her ten steps.
    "No … no …" Princess Feng Chang stopped busy for fear that Xu Fengyumeng would misunderstand, and then added, "I want to tell you that Guo Yiyou’s two fiancee are very bad and their hands are very poisonous. You must be careful."
    "oh! Is it? Kuang I have long wanted to meet them, just to suppress their arrogance. "Xu Fengyu smiled coldly.
    "Oh!" The wind Chang princess gently bite bite lips and then is gone.
    She naturally didn’t believe that Xu Mengmeng was Su E’s opponent with a deep sigh and gently shook her head.
    Looking at the back of Princess Fengchang, Xu Fengyumeng said to herself, "Guo Yi is called the first genius, and the rogue is really picking difficult hands to provoke two tigresses. It is also reasonable that I have to help him take care of it. If two women are really married, won’t it make heaven and man laugh?"
    Guo Yi is immersed in the refining of the Holy Sage at this time, and the spiritual knowledge is injected into the refining of the holy medicine in the blood sea of the buried heavenly sword. At the same time, he also realizes the thirteenth sword tactic of the buried heavenly sword. Through many experiences, he tells him that it is also the fastest to ascend to the realm and realize the sword tactic of the buried heavenly sword.
    At that time, Jingsheng reached the fourth realm of saints, added the rank of emperor soldiers, and buried the heavenly sword and the thirteenth sword of heaven, so he caught up with the half emperor and dared to challenge the Northern Wilderness Emperor.
    From this, we can see that the 13th sword tactic of the burial day is terrible. If the burial day sword reaches the level of emperor soldiers, it will hurt the hegemony of the semi-emperor.
    The ancient nine-pulse sword repair is not boasting, but it is called the first combat power.
    In the Xuan Bing box, the deep mud scorpion slowly shrinks, and the surface shell is broken, and the holy force is more and more earth.
    Guo yi this sit is ten days.
    The yellow sage has converged into the body and condensed into a huge holy source, which is a little bigger than its three holy sources, while the abyss mud scorpion in the Xuan Bing box has turned into a pinch of ordinary sand without spirituality.
    Guo Yi took a deep breath when he withdrew his spiritual knowledge from the body of the sword buried in the sky, and then opened his eyes. The four sacred mans intertwined as if he could see through the whole world.
    After a long time, the light in the eyes converged.
    Xu Fengyu was greeted with a smile. "Did Guo rogue break through?"
    Guo Yi smiled and nodded, "dzogchen, the fourth realm of saints."